Writing to relieve anger for postpartum moms and other humans at the breaking point
How does writing help release emotions?
Specifically, how can writing help release anger? Anger is one of the hardest feelings for me and I imagine most postpartum mamas. Once it arises it’s followed by a need to blame someone for it.
The baby is too sweet and precious to blame. The toddler is equally as innocent. The fiancé is easier to blame, but when my compassion for him is high I don’t want to place anger on him.
So all that’s left is me, it must be my fault, but what if I don’t want to be angry at myself either.
Anger wants to be directed at somebody or something. So I turn the anger toward the tasks of the evening.
Angry I have to cook.
Angry I have to clean.
Angry nobody is “helping”.
Ahhh, now it’s someone’s fault that I’m angry.
Anger goes round and round and round. It gets trapped inside and needs to get out. Ahh-ha, maybe it’s an inanimate objects fault. For example, this morning I spilled old humidifier water all over the carpet and when I went to open the screen door to my bedroom to set it outside, it was locked.
Not just locked, it would not open! I flipped the lock on the screen door back and forth, numerous times, while holding the dripping humidifier. Each time the anger increased, how is this screen door locked! That’s when I let out, “What the fuck is wrong with you you stupid broken…” I stopped. Stared at the screen door. Took a breath. Let out the longgggessstttt exhale.
Anger has to get out somehow. Why not on an inanimate object, they can take it. OR you can use writing as a way to relieve and release anger.
Here are writing techniques I use to release anger:
I’m angry because…..then just vomit words onto the page until there’s nothing left to be angry about.
What is it that I need? (I am usually angry because I’m neglecting my needs and if I take care of myself it makes everything else easier.)
Dear Anger, what is it that you need from me? (Anger is a loud emotion and voice inside that generally just wants to be heard and it gets louder the more I try to ignore it.)
Let me know how they work for you. Also, what do you do for anger? I’d love to hear your techniques.
Love Always,
Danielle Mallett